Isle of Wight
Shop open 24/7 | Meat available Fridays 3pm-5pm and Saturday 10am-3pm | Shop open 24/7

J Wheeler
Fresh Beef day is on Saturday 19th March.
Pre-order now to avoid missing out!
Assortment of cuts available.
🥩 Fresh beef will be available Saturday 19th March 11-1! 🥩
🐮 Our beef is born and bred here at Hazelgrove from our large herd of cattle and two bulls.
They are 100% grass fed, NO concentrates are given! They live out in summer with access to plenty of fresh grass. In the colder months they live in the barns, bedded up and fed by our own hay and straw we have cut ourselves in the summer time!
Remember to get your order in to avoid missing out. Either message our FB Page, contact us through our website, or email
#wightmarque #freerange #grassfed #freerangeeggs #HazelgroveFarm #localbusiness #localproduce #familybusiness #isleofwight #localbeef #smallbusiness #businessgrowing #supportsmallbusiness #familyrunbusiness #freshbeef #letsbuylocal #supportlocal #buylocal #buybritish #islandlife